The Portrait of Nouh

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Being called by name and known by your name is a wonderful thing. My name is special for me and I'm proud of it. I don’t want anyone to have it. Pleasure, happiness, love, passion, and honor are poor words to describe how valuable mu name is for me. My name is so rare not only in my country but also in foreign countries. This rarity makes my name unique and interesting. When I say my name to other people in order to introduce myself, I say it with pride. Many people in my country (UAE) like my name. Even though they are familiar with my name, they don’t expect to meet someone with this name. For example, when I went to many job interviews, most of the interviewers were surprised and told me that they liked my name. Not only that, but they also said that they wanted to name one of their children using my name. Sometimes I feel my name gives a quick view of my personality, that I’m different than anybody else. I like this difference because my friends treat me like a very special and important person. What a wonderful feeling. I tried many times to imagine if my name was different or common like many other people's name, but my imagining was useless. I never ever thought of changing my name. Changing my name would be like changing many things in my life, such who I am. I feel that my name is a dot that connects other dots of my silent nature. “Nouh” it pumps my feelings up.

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